Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): sears craftman 6.0 /(MODEL#917.388721)runs sluggish, sears craftman, screw adjustment
QuestionEric I'm having some problems with my lawn mower and I've tryed everything I know of and still no improvement. I've changed the spark plug, the filter, checked the oil and even the gas. The guy at the parts store said I need to check the carborator, something about a screw I need to adjust to give it more power. I've searched high and low on this lawn mower can't find this screw or better yet don't know what or were it is. YOUR EXPERTISE WOULD BE GREATLY APPRECIATED.
AnswerYou may not have a screw. I checked your engine model number on-line through Briggs but they offered that engine in several configurations.
One item I would check is the governor arm. That engine has a tendency to collect dirt and debris around the governor arm. On older engines this dirt can build up to the point where the arm cannot travel correctly. You will have to remove the top metal engine cover to clean this area. The governor arm will be connected to the carb via a long rod. On the carb side you will see a spring. If you have a governor screw adjustment you will see it next to/below the governor spring.
Let me know if this helps.