Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Craftsman Lawn Tractor wont start, craftsman lawn tractor, fly wheel
QuestionI have a Craftsman Lawn Tractor model # 917.270670. When I turn the key the starter engages and tries to turn the engine and tries until the battery dies. The top of the engine (that turns) moves in a circlular motion when I turn it manually and then it stops or tightens. Is that normal? When the starter engages it doesn't have enough power to turn the engine. I don't know if the fly wheel is too stiff or if the starter is weak? HELP!
Thanks, Ron
AnswerHave you tried disconnecting and cleaning the battery teriminals and cable ends whti a wire brush? Have you load tested the battery?
Try removing the spark plug(s) and see if the starter will turn the engine over.
Let me know what you find.