I've got a snapper S31SST weedeater that's having problems.
From a cold or hot state it will start after about 30 pulls and playing with the choke but at high speed it runs ruff and will not run long idling.
I have tried cleaning the spark plug and the air filter.
After cleaning the spark plug I even tried spraying a short stream of starter fluid into the cylinder and then cranking but it just won't pop 'till after about 30 pulls.
As far as adjusting the carburetor of course the manual has nothing usefull. However other then the idle adjustment I can only find one other screw, and it seems to have only 1/4 turn of free play.
Do you know what could be wrong?
Thank you,
AnswerHi John,
Trimmers are very hard to repair and usually not worth it, unless of high quality and fairly new.
You can check for good hot spark. Also, there should be a high and low speed mixture screw. The initial setting is H=1&1/2 turns out. L=3/4 turn out. Next, rebuild the carb. Check compression or test for a leak at the crankcase seals.
Let me know how you make out.