Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): New B & S engine carb question, hp engine, float bowl
QuestionI put a new B & S 280H07 14.5 hp engine on my mower,but it's fuel starved.The bowl is full of gas.The bowl has two wires coming out of it (which the old motor didn't have),does this control the gas flow somehow? It fires right up if I add a little gas thru the throat of the carb,then dies after that is burned.Thanks,Perry
AnswerHi Perry,
I am not familiar with the wires on the float bowl. They may be the problem so I don't think we should assume that there is a clog somewhere in the carb. I would remove the bowl and take a look inside. The purpose of the wires may become obvious. Let me know what you find. I will check with a local mechanic for more info.
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