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Hi Eric,
Hope you can help, I have a B & S 253707 model
engine used on a rider mower. The high speed adjustment screw fall while mowing and couldn't locate. Bought a carb kit and unded up opening carb, cleaning and replacing with all part within kit. Now to my question, does nozzle-carburetor get screwed in till fully seated. The reason is that I removed the old nozzle and noted about how many windings down it was but when putting in the new nozzle I noticed that it can go further in?
Right now the mower won't idle, stalls out and stalls out under load, thinking that this nozzle may have to do with some of these problems.
Answer -
The internal jet, fuel nozzle, gets fully screwed in with a flat blade screwdriver. The adjustment needle, on the bottom outside of the carb, is installed using a 1/2 inch wrench. Back the needle with the spring on it out several times until it almost falls out. Install the float bowl nut/needle on the bottom of the carb with the 1/2 inch wrench. Tighten securly. Turn the needle in by hand until you feel is seat GENTLY. Then back it out 1 1/4 to 1 1/2 turns.
On top of the carb is the idle/air mixture. Gently turn it in until you feel it seat the back it out 1 1/4 to 1 1/2 turns. This is your initial will have to do some fine tuning.
Let me know how it goes.
Hi Eric,
Thank you for your expertise and quick response. I have another question regarding my rider mower. Before I even lost the adjustment screw at the bottom of the carb the engine would never start with the choke fully closed, I would have to always have the choke fully open (setting when motor would be fully warmed up and running under load) for the engine to start. I checked and see that the choke is working properly. What may be causing this, any ideas for a remedy that I could try. By the way the rider is an Agway 15 to 18 years old with B&S 11HP I/C type 0247-01 with code 86081511. Thanks again.
AnswerGenerally if the carb is too rich you will not have to use the choke. Most of those engines did not need the choke if the engine was warm, only when the engine was cold.
As for the float height, with the float bowl removed hold the carb upside down. The float should sit parellel/level to the bottom of the carburetor.
Are the throttle and choke shafts wore? We find this to be fairly common on older engines.