Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Homelite Blower starting problems, intake hoses, fuel residue
QuestionI have a Homelite Leafblower that I used for the first time this year and it wouldn't start. It didn't have gas in it and it was running when I last used it. I filled it up, pushed the priming bulb and tried to start it. After several pulls, I noticed gas dripping from the carb. (the carb is on the bottom of the blower). I pulled the spark plug and there was quite a bit of gas in the cylinder. I thought I somehow over primed it so I drained the gas and tried again, same thing happened. I finally got it to start by draining the gas from the cylinder, tilting the gas tank away from the intake hoses and unpriming the bulb by pressing it a couple of times. Once running, I pressed the bulb again to prime the carb completely. Once warmed up, the blower would start back up without a problem, however, after trying to start it the next day, the problem still exists. Do you have any ideas? Thanks.
AnswerHi Wyatt,
Sorry for my delay. The holiday was busy here.
It sounds like the carb is flooding. The diaphram may be gummed up from old fuel residue during storage. I would disassemble the carb and check it out or add a rebuild kit.
Good Luck,
I am swamped with questions and won't be able to take follow up questions until next week. Sorry.