QuestionI'm looking to repair/replace a seized 11 HP Briggs and Stratton motor, model # 252707. I found and purchased a new motor to either repair or replace my motor with, but the motors came completely dissassembled. My question is, these motors are both Model #252707, but have different type numbers. I think the types between the two motors are something like 1751-01 and 1851-01 (not possitive, don't have those numbers in front of me). Will I be able to use the spare motor parts to fix my motor? If so, what parts "must" be replaced in a seized motor. I'm assuming the whole cylinder, block head, piston etc... Are there other parts that fail when a motor seizes? Or, should I take the motor that is unassembled and rebuild that from the bottom up?
Thanks for any advice you can give,
AnswerHi Scott,
Sorry for my delay. The holiday was busy here.
I'm not sure if you will be able to use the parts. Usually the cylinder, piston and rings are replaced on a seized engine. Damage may have been done to the crankshaft or connecting rod also.
Good Luck.