Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): B &S engine -- Troy Built Rear Tine Tiller, troy bilt tiller, small engine mechanic

Engine has run fine for years.  All of the sudden it started pumping out a tremendous quantity of gray/white smoke.  Sounds like a blown ring, but I am not that familiar with small engines.  Before tearing this apart and rebuilding it, is there something else I can do to confirm this diagnosis.  Will any special tools be needed such that I should take this to a small engine mechanic?

You will need a torque wrench, in inch pounds, and some feeler gauges.

A leak down tester would also be nice.

How old is the tiller?  Have you considered replacing the engine?

We rarely rebuilt engine's cheaper and faster to replace the engine.  If fact we just replaced an engine on a Troy Bilt tiller a few weeks ago.

Let me know.