QuestionI bought a cheap $100 lawnmower from Wal-Mart last year. It has a 4 hp Briggs & Stratton. I've had nothing but trouble with the hunk of junk since I bought it.
Had it running this year, new plug, dry gas, filled up with gas, mowed okay. It tends to overheat and I have to shut it down to cool it off (yes, it has oil). Went to start it back up and it runs, but the idle goes up and down very sporadically.... high/low, high/low, high/low. There is no manual idle control on this model. Just a pull-start, a primer pump and a safety-release on the handle. Any suggestions you have would be appreciated. Thanks so much.
AnswerThe carb needs to be cleaned thoroughly as it has a blockage. The lean condition is also causing your heat problem. You need to remove and thoroughly clean the carb, including pushing a piece of tag wire through all of the internal passages and follow up with aerosol carb cleaner. Hope this helps.