Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): 49 cc micro bike engine, chopper bike, bike engine
QuestionI have a 49 cc 2-cycle micro chopper bike, can't find any engine manufacture name or number on engine, but it's about a year old. It is very difficult to start even with full choke, but once started it seems to run fine. Cleaned out gas lines and carb, fresh gas, but still destroys your arm before you can enjoy it. Any idea what it may be?
AnswerHi Luis,
Try squirting some fuel or starting fluid into the carb before starting. If it starts fine, then something might be clogged and preventing fuel from getting to the carb at first. If you can't find a problem in the carb or fuel line, maybe you can install an in-line primer bulb. Check the choke plate to see if it is closing all the way.
Good Luck,