Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): John Deere Engine Locked Up, john deere engine, retaining ring

John Deere JS60 with B&S engine, appx 4 yrs old.  While pulling rope to start, rope flew out of my hand and the handle guide and retracted to engine.  Now the rope is locked and the engine and blade will not move.  
Is there an easy fix to this or am I looking a big repair.
Also, the primer bulb has a hole.  Does that just pull via a retaining ring for replacement?  

Hi Tom,

Try pulling it over when you remove the spark plug.  If still frozen, remove the recoil shroud and check to see if the rope has jumped off the reel and jammed.
The primer bulb should just pry out with its ring.

Let me know what you find,