Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): craftsman lawn tractor, craftsman lawn tractor, clutch assembly
QuestionMy craftsman 19.5 hp lawn tractor will not start- it seems to be
stuck in gear as I cannot push it forward or back even though
lever is in neutral. Is there something stuck that is not
registering that the brake is not fully depressed and so it will not
AnswerI can't tell if your tractor has a hydrostatic transmission (in which case you wouldn't be able to move it) or a regular gear transmission. However, if the engine isn't turning over at all, the problem could be related to a safety switch on the clutch assembly or a problem with the linkage to the transmission that isn't allowing the transmission to go into neutral and the safety switch on it is not allowing the engine to turn over. If you can give me any other details, I can probably be of further assistance. Hope this helps.