Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): lawn mower repair, john deer, valve guides
QuestionMy husband changed to the mulching balde(he has done this everyyear) and after the mower had been on its side it won;t run. Our neighbor just exsperianced the same problem.
the neighbor has a JOHN DEER
we have a CRAFTSMAN II
model # 917.383740
serial#050294M 021690
The point is we can't get our mowers to stay running they will start after using the primer button and pulling the string both mowers have been taken apart and put back together (carb work ,ect.)is there a trick these men are missing or just ironic that the mowers are having the same problem .The mowers will not stay running holding the button does not work.
AnswerMy guess is they tipped these mowers up without the spark plug facing 'up'...a common problem. When the mower is tipped in another orientation, oil can fill the cylinder via the PCV passage or past the valve guides and fill the cylinder with oil (or foul the spark plug at least). The remedy is to remove the spark plug and crank the engine over to expel the excess oil from the cylinder, clean or replace the spark plug and re-install. The mower should start and smoke for a few seconds. Then make sure to re-check the oil level in the crankcase. Hope this helps.