Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): chainsaw, mcculloch eager beaver, inch coil

I have a Mcculloch eager beaver, 2.1ci, about 10 yrs. old. I took it apart for cleaning, etc. (got a little carried away i guess); the handle (rt. side looking to front of saw from rear) contained 3 parts-throttle trigger, safety lock for throttle, and a spring, The spring is approximately 2-2.5 inches total length, approx. 90 degree bend, 1/2 inch coil, in center, w/ 2 full loops, straight on shorter side, longer side with small dogleg and bend at end. I assume the spring returns the throttle to idle after starting. As the pieces unexpectedly disassembled self b4 i could glom the schematics of, and I've tried numerous config's to reassemble, I cannot come up with sensible location (it seems to fit the post in front of throttle only) and mechanical function for the spring. the mechanism (throttle , lock) will work without, but needs manual return to unlocked throttle status.any ideas? thanks.

The srping is used to hold the throttle safety lock in place, not to return the throttle to idle.

The 90 degree bend, if I remember correctly, just sits under the safety lock lever to hold it up.

I'll see if I have a repair manual for it but we got rid of most McCulloch stuff years ago.

Let me know if you get it figured out.