Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Toro snowblower shear bolts, shear bolts, shear pins
QuestionI was just given a used Toro snowblower. The day before it was given to me, the front auger stopped turning. I think it may be shear pins but I am not sure. I tried to find them, and they appear very difficult to remove. I don't think I can get two wrenches in to remove the nut from the bolt. I was thinking I could use a chisel and cut the head off the bolt, then knock out the bolt with a hole punch. Does this sound like the solution to my problem?
AnswerHi Paul,
I use a wrench and a socket with a long extension if needed. You could use a chisel and drive the bolt out. When a bolt shears it doesn't usually slide out and a punch is often needed anyway. Make sure you replace the bolt with a proper shear pin and not a regular bolt.
If the pins are okay, you will need to look in the gear box for trouble.
Good Luck,