Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): snowblower adjustment/repair, hi thanx, home depot

hi thanx for listening today.
i filled my craftsman--10 hp snowblower w/ diesel.then, i ran it w/ the choke up high, wondering why it was going so boyfriend was really mad at me when we figured it out.  i made a sistake at the pump!  so, i drained the carb and siphoned the tank, and added reg gas.  it even started!  i kept it running, and it ran out of steam after a couple minutes. i restarted it and it sounded like a constant reving and would not sustain a constant hum, even w/ choke full force.  it cut out when i lowered the choke.  i did, before i knew better, turn the screw on the bolt ( the screw w/ the spring) because at first i thought it was spring loaded and would loosen and drain if i loosened it a bit.  i tried to put it back where i found it by screwing it back once a man at home depot told me not to mess w/ that!!!!
so, i wonder if you could give me any and all advice you can to save my face and make my boyfriend less mad at me.  should i even add some sort of carb cleaner?  do i need to take it in and have the carb removed to clean it?
thanx a whole lot

Hi Annie,

I don't think that the carb will have to be removed.  Try re-setting the screw that you mentioned, to 1 & 1/2 turns out from closed.  If no help, then drain the carb and tank and refill with clean fuel again.  Check the spark plug and try a new one if needed.

Let me know how you make out.