Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Repairing Honda HS35 Snowblower Engine, honda hs35 snowblower, michael ps

We've had a Honda HS35 snowblower for almost 20 years.  Last season it started screeching and locking up after operating for about 20 minutes.  I freed it up and it ran for a couple of times and did the same thing again.  I'm assuming I should rebuild the entire engine and have found all the parts I need at Lancaster Honda for $179.  However there's no guarantee that I'll have all the tools to complete the job, nor that it will run good as new when I'm done.  So the tradeoff is invest $179 in a gamble that I can make the HS35 run like new, or spend $400 to $600 for a new snowblower.  Any recommendations?

Hi Jim,

A common and confusing issue.  You will need to weigh what's more important to you.  If you go new, you should have 20 more years of basically trouble free service, including the latest upgrades and features.  Downside: The cost is higher.  If you rebuild, you will save up front but may need to continue to put an unknown amount of cash over the next 20 years.  You will also need to put in time and possibly aggravation, now and in the future.  However, you can look at the repair option as a challenge and a calculated risk...all with their own rewards.

Let me know what you decide.


PS - I usually keep equipment until it starts to either give me trouble or becomes 10 to 15 years old.  I then replace it with new or slightly used and sell the old item.  That way, by selling before the age where problems arise, I have an item that still runs and brings a decent amount of cash, to be applied towards the replacement item.