Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): snowblower repair, repair history, fuel flow

I have a craftsmen 7.5 hp snowblower (~15 yrs old). It has electric start and initially starts fine and runs fine (no choke) until it warms up (3 - 5 minutes). As the snowblower warms up it will shut off unless you choke it at about 1/2 choke (or a little more) to keep it running. I have no repair history or manual since I just received it used. Any ideas!

Hi Wendell,

The fuel flow is not meeting the engines' requirements.  Slightly loosen the fuel cap to check for a vent problem.  If no help, then I would suspect either a sticky float or dirt, debris, gummed fuel or water inside the carb.  You will need to remove the carb, disassemble it, clean all the small internal openings and blow it out with compressed air.   Probe each and every hole with a small wire.  A carb rebuild kit wouldn't hurt either.

Let me know how you make out.