Question-Hmmm, Next question is how to get the belt off, and around the pulleys, how do I determine what size belt I need.
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Question -
I have a gran prix 523 2 stage belt drive snowblower and the belt keeps slipping.
Do you know who made this machine (10 or so yrs old) and where I might find a manual?
Any ideas on how to tighten/replace the main drive belt? (it has two under a black plastic cover between the engine and the scoop.
Answer -
Hi Brett,
Sorry, I don't know who made it or where you can get a manual. If the belt cannot be tightened by adjusting the idler pulley, then you should replace the belt. The idler is located midway between the drive and driven pulleys. To replace the belt, move the idler and roll the belt off any other pulley. You may need to remove one or 2 covers to allow access to the belt.
Let me know how you make out.
AnswerHi Brett,
The belt should be able to be lifted out and around the pulleys. You may have to remove the access cover from the bottom of the housing. If you tip the snowblower, try not to tip it more than 45 degrees or the oil will get into where it shouldn't be.
The belt may still have a number on it or you can match it up to a replacement.
Keep me posted,