Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): artic cat atv, internal passages, vacuum leak
Questionwont run unless choke is on full already cleaned carb when you shut the choke the engine backfires and quits.
1996 artic cat 500
AnswerIf the engine only runs with the choke on, either the carb is still dirty or there is a vacuum leak between the carb(s) and the engine. Make sure when you clean the carb to use a piece of tag wire to push through all of the internal passages and follow up with aerosol carb cleaner. If it is a vacuum leak, start the engine and keep it running (with choke or however you can) and use something like WD40 to spray around the intake boot(s) and note any change in engine RPM. If you notice the WD40 had an effect, do a thorough visual inspection for cracks, leaks, etc. Hope this helps.