Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): electrical starting, wire nut, key switch

I removed a 12.5 B&S engine from a Lowes riding mower, it is about 11 yrs. old.  I reinstalled the engine on alog splitter. I'm not sure on what to do with all the electrial saftey devices that are still on the wiring harness.How do I remove/disconect them so I can start the engine. This unit also has lights that I plan on keeping.  Thanks for the help.  Mick

Do you have the switches still on the harness?

Some of the switches can be bypassed by using a wire nut or soldering the two leads together.  Some of them need to be open.  I wish the manufactures would provide better documention but they don't.

Do you have the solenoid and key switch with the harness?
Are you familar with an Ohm meter or have a 12 volt test light?  If you have the key switch there should be some letters on the back of the switch...let me know what they are.

Let me know and we can get it going.