Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): leaf blower engine performance, exhaust ports, diaphrams
QuestionSince the day it was purchased, my Homelite Yardsweep leaf blower has had the following problem : when the engine is warm and at full throttle , it will suddenly "bog down" and die unless I let off on the throttle. The only way I can keep it running is to use short bursts with the throttle. Even with this technique, the unit is finicky ; if I am too aggressive with the throttle, it will start to cut out during acceleration. It will only run for for two or three seconds at full throttle before it starts to decelerate. I have done the basics- changing the spark plug, cleaning the air filter, adjusting the carburator high/low screws , and using fresh fuel. Any ideas ?
AnswerStart with the mixture screws both at 1 1/2 turns out from lightly seated. Then hold the throttle wide open and turn the high speed screw in until max RPM is reached and then open it 1/8 of a turn from there. Turn the low speed in until the engine begins to bog when you open the throttle rapidly from idle then open it just enough to make the throttle response crisp. If adjusting these makes little or no difference, you may want to check that the exhaust ports and/or muffler aren't partially plugged. Otherwise the carb will need to be cleaned and all necessary diaphrams replaced. Hope this helps.