Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Resistor spark plugs, small engine mechanic, electronic ignition systems
QuestionI've been a small engine mechanic for fifteen odd years and I am always getting asked this question by people. Does it make any difference using a non resistor spark plug when the manual calls for one or it was the original equipment plug? It was explained to me back in the days when I started, that resistor plugs came about when electronic ignition systems did, but that for all practical purposes, it does not make any difference in the engine to use a non resistor plug. Was I given the wrong information? I'm on the job trained, I haven't been to any of the manufacturers schools so I have never gotten a expert opinion before.
Thanks, Jim B.
AnswerHey Jim,
You were not given any wrong information but you seem to have not been given enough information. What a resistor spark plug does is it resists radio interference to the spark plug causing misfires. This however is only used on cars because cars have radios and receive high ammounts of radio interference. So on a small engine its does not really matter using resisor or non resistor. Hope this helps. Let me know if you need anything else.