Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Carburator problem on a Briggs and Stratton OHV engine, briggs and stratton, metal cylinder

Several weeks ago my B&S engine would not start after I had been cutting the yard. It is a model 31D777 (18 HP OHV). I have been changing the oil per the manufacturers schedule. I also changed the fuel filter,air filter, prefilter, and spark plug. It ran okay for one week. I noticed by the time I was finishing cutting the yard on the second week, the mower was wanting to stall and did. This past weekend the mower ran for 30 minutes then lost power and stalled. I got it running for approximately 10 minutes by emptying fuel out of the metal cylinder beneath the carbruetor then replacing it. That did not work after one time. I noticed that the fuel was leaking from the bottom of the cylinder. It seemed to be coming from around a plastic piece that is located near the carbruretor. Is this part not functioning correctly and causing the engine to flood?

You shouldn't see raw fuel leaking from anywhere.  This is an indication that carb is flooding.  In that case, you will need to thoroughly inspect the needle and seat for wear or debris and inspect the float for leaks (if you shake it, you will hear fuel inside it if it's leaking).  Replace or clean as necessary.  If you find debris under the inlet needle, change the fuel filter and inspect the tank and your gas can for debris also.  Hope this helps.