Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Craftsman Lawnmower Repair, little holes, craftsman lawnmower repair

We have a Crafstman rear bagger 21 inch push type power mower with a 6.25 B/S engine.  We live in Georgia and the mower has been sitting in a small aluminum storage shed for 2 years without any use or starting in that time.  We would now like to use it but it will not start.  We have put in a new spark plug, cleaned the air filter to no avail.  I need your help on how I can rejuvinate the machine to get some use from it.  We also need the exercise.  Any help will be appreciated.  JDee

I would start by removing, dis-assembling and cleaning the carburetor.  Use compressed air and carburetor cleaner.

The job is not that difficult, just pay attention to the governor connecting linkage.  Draw a diagram or take a digital picture of how the linkage is routed and connected.  The carbuetor may have several holes the rod can connect to, so mark the correct one before removing the carb.  Also, pay attention to the routing...some of those engines route the linkage behind and upside down.  Just pay attention and you should be fine.

Once the carb is off, just remove the float bowl nut and clean out all the little holes with compressed air and carburetor cleaner.

Let me know what you find inside the carb...any brown gunk or white powder.