Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Craftsman Riding Mower, craftsman riding mower, internal passages
Questionabout 10 year old craftsman riding mower (1030). I bought this used and I'm not sure how old it is. The first time I used it it worked fine for about 15 minutes. Then it began sputtering and backfiring and finally stalled. I couldn't get it to run consistently after that. I tried again the next day and it ran ok for another 20 minutes or so so I was able to finish the lawn. A few weeks later (today) the same scenario played out although I haven't tried again. I triedd adjusting the the carb settings(Power adjusting screw and idle valve screw) as described by the manual, but no luck. Now I can't get it to start. Any suggestions?
AnswerIf you get no response by adjusting the mixture screw, there is a blockage inside the carb. It is likely that debris has contaminated the fuel system (and perhaps your gas can too). Thoroughly clean the carb, including pushing a piece of tag wire through all of the internal passages, replace the fuel filter and inspect the tank for debris or sediment. Hope this helps.