Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): B&S 18hp; No Spark, spark plug wires, customer support faq

I have a Craftsman tractor w/model 422707 B&S 18 hp, electronic ignition engine, no ignition spark, and no manual.  The coil/pickup assy is gapped approx. .015" from the flywheel and, except for the spark plug wires, has only 1 wire coming out of it, going to ground on the engine.  Is this considered the "electronics module"?  Also, there is a red wire going in under the flywheel (I haven't pulled the flywheel yet).  There is 12 volts from the ignition switch (when in the "on" position) to a diode, which reduces the voltage to a steady 0.14 VDC which is what I measure on the above-mentioned red wire.  The diode resistance is infinate (open) in one polarity and about 1.8 Meg ohms (too high?) in its conducting polarity.  Could this be the voltage fed to the "electronics module"?  Is it high enough? Thank you in advance for your time and expertise.  

Hi Ron,

Sorry, I don't know what values are proper for the electronics.  Some coils have the module built in and some are separate.  Yours may be under the flywheel.
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Good Luck,