Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Murray Riding Mower, drive pulley, drive lever

Hi, I have the following:
My question is.....
**When I want to go into reverse, for some reason, it keeps stopping on me. As if something is slipping. I have to keep messing with the shift handle/break pedal for it to continue. And if it does it still stops after a foot or so.
Plus when it is in nuetral, and I go to get off of the mower while its running, the gear will just kick in and the mower will just start going forwar. I don't know if this is all tied in together or not.
Please help me in telling me what you might think the problem is here?
It goes forward ok, just not backward right!!
I know that in 1999, I had a simular issue and a STARTER GEAR/REPAIR OF THE LINKAGE/ADJUSTMENT WAS MADE. Again.....would it be the same problem again?

Please, any help would be appreciated!!
**Finally,would I have to be an expert to fix this?
Thanks Much!!

Tom B.

Hi Tom,

It sounds like a drive lever adjustment is needed or maybe a new belt.  There should be a cover on top of the tunnel, between the seat and control console.  Where the shift lever protrudes from.  Remove it and look at the drive pulley, belt and brake-shift lever set-up.  Move the levers and try to see how it all works.  Sometimes just by observing, it is obvious what is wrong.  Check the belt for wear or pieces missing.  You won't need to be an expert but and eye for detail and patience will help.

Let me know how you make out.