Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): how to set a carb. on a 14hp briggs?, briggs stratton, adjustment screw
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Need to know how to set a carb on a 14hp vangaurd briggs for a friend. The fuel had water in it and the bowl was full of rust. I pulled the little screws on of the carb. to clean them. Got it to start but now it sounds like it is racing. I keeps pushing the gov. almost to the point it cuts off. If you can help, please.
Answer -
The high speed mixture screw should have an initial setting of 1 1/2 turns out from lightly seated. Then you should adjust in (CW) until the engine starts to surge. Then open it back up 1/4 of a turn. This should be sufficiently rich to provide good power. The low speed only needs to be open enough that there is no hesitation when going from idle to WOT. If carb adjustment doesn't correct, the carb will need to be cleaned more thoroughly. Hope this helps.
Sorry to keep asking questions but where is the high speed adjustment screw and what does (cw) and (WOT) mean? Thanks again
AnswerNo problem....the high speed mixture screw is located on the carb and it is usually on either the bottom of the float bowl or on the top of the carb. To positively identify where it is, go to the Briggs & Stratton website and use the parts locator and the numbers from your engine to look at the parts listing.
CW - ClockWise
CCW - CounterClockWise
WOT - Wide Open Throttle