Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Graden Tractor wont start, briggs and stratton, battery cables

I can't get my Scotts Grander tractor started. I have a Briggs and Stratton Engine17hp INTEX OVH engine. I have replaced the battery,selnoid,battery cables and the starter. It appears to be shorting out after a couple of turns. I recharge the battery and the same thing happens. If I take the spark plug out it will turn a little nmore but still seems to short out. Any suggestion. I am not very mechanical inclined. Thanks for any help that you may have.  

It sounds as though the electrical system is fine (and you've replaced everything anyway).  I recommend you make sure the oil level isn't so high that the engine is hydraulically locking.  You also need to ensure there is no driven accessory (blades, transmission) belt creating so much drag on the engine that the starter is having difficulty turning the engine over.  If this is not the case and you are not equipped to handle the repair (tools, knowledge, whatever), take it to a good shop and have them find the issue.