Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Lose Starter handle, entrace, engine compartment
QuestionThe first time I used my new lawn mower I did't prime it at first. I just started pulling the starter handle after three or four pulls I realized my problem and fixed it. the string on the starter handle is really loose and there is a metal piece which is stoping the string from going back into the engine compartment. It still starts but I would like to get the string back in. How can I do so?
Thanks for any advice!
AnswerIf I understand your problem correctly, disconnect the spark plug lead and pull the recoil rope out slowly. Tie a temporary knot in the cord near the entrace to the recoil housing so you can work on the handle end without tension on it. Pull the cord out of the handle now (make sure your temporary knot is good), and tie a bigger knot in the cord at an appropriate length so there isn't a bunch of slack between the handle and the engine. Hope this helps.