Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): sears gas lawn mower, horsepower range, white smoke

I have a fairly new gas lawn mower, craftsman 4.5
hp, it has been starting and running for about 3 to 5 minutes and then quitting, and this would happen over and over.  I then put starting fluid in the air filter intake and the problem persisted, until it then blew a lot of white smoke out.   I then let it sit for about 10 min, and restarted and it ran for about 2 min. with white smoke coming out and quit.  I recently change oil, and when I look at stick it looks as if I have enough but it is so clear it is tough to tell, could I have put in too much oil (about 2 qts) and/ or how much oil should it have in
it is about 1 to 2 yrs old

You have way too much oil in this engine.  Most engines in this horsepower range take about 1/2 litre (which is around 1/2 quart) but nowhere near 2 qts.  You will have to drain the excess and add oil slowly until the proper level is reached.  Hope this helps.