I saw an answer to a previously posed question regarding oil out of the carb.. possibly from the position of travel in the trunk of a car...
My symptom is when pulling the starter cord - oil comes out of the exhaust port. What additional steps should be taken to rectify the situation (replace air filter, ensure correct oil level...?)
& what of gas in the oil and visa versa ?
& what are other potential causes of oil from the exhaust port ?
Thank you for your time.... it is very much appreciated...
Eric D.
AnswerGas in the oil can only come from one place...the carburetor. When this happens, most of the time the carburetor inlet needle did not seal for some reason or another and allowed gas to flow into the engine crankcase. The gas thins the oil and the thin oil finds its way past the rings and into the cylinder. When you pull the string, the gas/oil in the cylinder is pushed out the exhaust vavle into the muffler, hence the oil in muffler.
To solve the problem, drain all the gas and oil from the engine. If possible, remove and drain the muffler as well. Remove the spark plug, pull the string several time to push the oil/gas out of the cylinder.
Finally, and I would recommend, removing, dis-assembling and cleaning the carburetor. If the carburetor has a replacable inlet needle seat, most do, replace it.
Let me know if you have any other questions.