Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): adjusting Echo 2-stroke engine, stroke engine oil, mantis tiller

My 15-year-old Mantis tiller has a 2-stroke Echo gas engine.  It starts ok (about 6 pulls with choke full out, about 6 pulls with choke all the way in), but in use it surges to full power, then backs off to no power, cycling every few seconds.  At "no power" it often stalls.  This behavior happens whether I have the throttle to full or to half.  I had the engine adjusted at a hardware store about 2 years ago.  I mix my own fuel from no-alcohol low-octane gas and 2-stroke engine oil, but I don't measure the oil/gas ratio.  The gas I just used (for the first tilling of the season) is from last fall.

Question: Is this something I can fix myself, and if so, how?

Ralph, the carb could have "lean" setting. Back off the high speed needle a bit. I'm not familiar with the carb, but the HS needel is generally the larger one. If that does not work, you may have an intake air leak. Gaskets broken or a loose carb mounting,,,,,,let mr know what you find....Bob