Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Craftsman Riding Mower Electric clutch, electric clutch, pto shaft

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Question -
I went to start my 12hp Craftsman riding mower today and when I went to engage the blades with the electric clutch it stalled the engine. I checked the blades and they were free. I removed the belt from the clutch and tried the clutch it still stalled the engine. I saw three bolts which appeared to tension adjusting but not sure. Tried to remove some tension by backing off on the bolts but to no avail. Help!!
Answer -
Hi Mike,

Sorry for the delay.  My ISP was down.

I can't picture the clutch stalling the engine if the belt is removed.  Even a frozen clutch should turn with its shaft.  I must not be familiar with the configuration on your mower.  Is the clutch on the crankshaft, then it runs a belt to the PTO shaft?  Or does the crankshaft run the chutch and its pulley through a belt?  I guess, either way you would need to remove or disassemble the clutch and see what is binding or frozen.  It may be a bearing.

Let me know how it is set up and what you find.

That's what I thought. The clutch is bolted to the bottom of the crank and runs the blades through a pulley on the bottom of the clutch. I took the clutch off and took it apart. It was a little rusty but not anymore than you would expect. I polished the faces and put it together. The bearings were fine. Now my starter has stripped the gear.Grrrrr. When it quits raining I'm going to replaced the starter with one off another mower to check this clutch before I go to buy parts for the starter. Thanks for the reply. I'll keep you posted when my dsl gets back up.  Mike  

Another thought:  Maybe the problem isn't mechanical.  The electrical components of the clutch may be shorting, causing a large drain on the mower's system causing it to shut down or there maybe a problem with the safety switch, which is connected with the clutch engaging circuit.

Keep me posted.