NO ONE mentions that they know about TVs, so I am asking you. My TV is a BrockSonic that I bought NEW about 12-13 yrs ago. It WORKS, _but_ right in the MIDDLE of whatever I want to HEAR, the SOUND bleeps out! For example, if I am watching chanel 14, a green 14 appears in the upper right hand corner, and while it is THERE, I can't HEAR a THING!!! It happens OVER & OVER again, throughout ~EVERY~ program!!! Sometimes it only lasts a few seconds, sometimes 15 or 20 seconds... But it KEEPS ON doing it, _repeatedly_!!! I cannot afford to have it repaired.
One of my co-workers says it is the "Receiver", which is only there, to make sure the speakers do not blow out. He says that it is nt neccessary, if I do not turn it up too loud. Also, that I can fix it myself, by unscrewing the case, and takinbg the guts out. Then following the lines from the speakers,until I find a small part, about the size & shape of a rectangular radio battery. It could be metal, plastic or both. He says that if I just cut it OFF, that will fix the problem!
I am worried that I might RUIN it, & then I would have NONE! PLEASE give me your opinion! Thanks, Donna
AnswerHi Donna,
Sorry, I know a little about TVs but not with this problem.
The TV is kind of older and is not good as is, so you might want to give that idea a try. If you do cut a part, leave wire so you can re-connect it if it doesn't help or leaves you with no sound. Re-connecting wires should be done by soldering or using a wire nut.
Good Luck,