QuestionYou do not "roll your lawn"? Around here in the spring we tow large barrels full of concrete or water around the grass to flatten out the ground that has heaved due to frost heave. Its a tradition. If I do not have my mower working I will have to PUSH a rented roller....yeuch!
Ok....I have been working on it for the past few hours and have parts spread from one end of the garage to the other. Here is what I know.
Battery check...volts 11.8 and it has the strength to turn over the starter motor.
Speaking of which the starter motor is fine as listed above. I shorted jumpered from the battery to the starter turned nicely.
Solenoid....also checked out fine. Jumpered out the starter solenoid input to the battery and bingo it clicks and the starter turns...
Right now I am dinkering with the Myriad of safetys and what I think is a condensor....
WHAT IS A CONDENSOR? It ( or what I think it is ) is a small cube next to the solenoid. It has two terminals, a red one going to the battery connection on the solenoid and a black one that heads off to the start switch.
The saftey switches are as follows.
1 to ensure that you do not have the deck engaged.
2. To prevent you from going in reverse with the deck engaged.( I would like to remove this one in the process if possible as I think it is stupid).
3. A seat safety to make sure the seat is down
All safeties have yellow wires that lead to the main deck switch and I believe to the start switch.
What terminals do I jump out in what order on the switch to check to see if the switch is pooched?
Followup To
Answer -
Well I am going to start from the bottom. What does help I need to "Roll" my lawn mean? Is that slang for something like mow? You have me so puzzled with that last phrase I can hardly think about anything else.
On the wire running from the starter motor YOU ARE THE GROUND. Hold on to the wire while you are mowing and watch what happens. Little ground humor.
Whatever you do don't cut the black wire! You should know that one from wiring all the robots you have. More ground humor!
Now that we have that out of the way lets see if we can get you off and "rolling" your yard.
I'm still stuck on rolling your yard. I just can't go any further. Come on Cletus think!!! Cletus you can get the rediculous crazy stuff out of the head. Head back on the mower. Mower on the head. Ok done!! Maybe now we can get your problem resolved. Something about yellow wires, red ones and a black one. I have always found that the black is the ground wire, unless we are working on something that has been "Rigged" by me then there is no telling what the black wire is. Are you sure I haven't worked on your friends mower before? Then again you may just have a dead battery. Here is what you do to check the battery. It is a little unorthodox, but get two copper rods and touch ech one of the terminals with the 2 rod ends. Next stick the other 2 ends to you tongue and if it kicks you in the teeth real good. If it has enough juice and then the battery really isn't the problem. I always like to rule out the source!! After that send me a response and we will go from there.
Cletus Edmond
AnswerYou know all of this is a little above my head. I almost think we should trade places, but I have one more option. The guy that taught me everything I know 40 years ago is also on this site. I will let him know that you will be getting in touch with him. He is in the hobbies section under miniatures of all things. His name is fanju bakbak and he practically has the manual memorized word for word in his head. He is a genius and literally has an IQ that is unheard of. Try him for better results. Thanks for explaining what rolling is.
Cletus Edmond