Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Briggs & Stratton Carburetor, briggs stratton engine, briggs stratton

I have a 15 year old Snapper mower with a 4HP Briggs & Stratton engine.  I had it in the shop several years ago and it ran fine when I got it back.  However, the gas left in the tank evaporates.  I can smell it it when I go into my storage room.  The carb mounts directly on the tank (no bowl or float).  I am guessing that the repairman left some component out or installed it incorrectly.  Where can I find a schematic that shows where all the pieces and parts go.  I have had it apart and put it together again after cleaniing it.  It will run, although hard to start, but it still lets the gas evaporate.  (It has a good spark.)

Thanks for your help.  Geoff

Well Geoff (Really different way of spelling Jeff),

Are you of Nordic origin?  I recommend that you get a cloth and plug up the hole you have in the gas tank.  Try not to put the ole cigarettes out on the gas filled cloth.  Gas is very combustible and will blow up if slow leaking out of a container.  Why I once blew up the whole left side of my body because of plugging a hole in a gas tank.  After the 3rd degree burns healed I still have a little twitch that isn't quite right.  Plus, short term memory is not even an option for me anymore.  I mean heck sometimes I forget whether I am answering a question or just updating the resume.  Cletus Edmond, Ontario CA 1117 Aboot street Small Engine repair.  See what I mean.  You may try putting security cameras out to make sure some thief is not syphoning the gas out of the tank.  Gas is quite a precious resource these days.  It is outrageous in Ontario.  Maybe we should consult the gas experts.  I have been watching my gas like a hawk.  It has to be a thief or a hole.


Cletus does his best to answer all material to the best of his ability, but sometimes has lapses of memory, seizures etc...  Review the answer very carefully and if you are uncertain aboot the answer ask another expert.  Please give him a chance.  He is trying to do some good in the world!  If you do not like the answer please complain to [email protected].  He is keeping an eye on poor Cletus right now and can be downright mean.

Mrs. Edmond

