Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): blade switch,safety switches, blade switch, electric clutch


Hi Marc,
I myself have a few years in small engine repair
But I need a little help in this area. I'm working on a Cub Cadet riding mower. and I can't
get the blade to work. It has a push,pull engage   switch which checks out good. My question is can one of the safety switches be bad on it. It worked great last year.This switch gas 7 prongs.By yhe way this mower also has a clutch that engages the deck blades.What do you think it might be.
 Thanks A Lot.

You haven't actually told me what is happening.  You can't get the electric clutch to engage?  The engine dies when you do engage the clutch?  Please be as specific as possible.  Usually the problem is related to a safety switch (paricularly the seat switch).