Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Lawnmower repair, spark plug wire, honda mower

I have a 12 yr old Honda mower (90cc, OHV, about 5.5 or 6 HP).  It ran fine for years, then last Spring would not start.  It acts like it is not getting a spark to the plug.  I'm thinking it's the magneto.  Is there a way to tell for sure without buying a new mag?  I don't want to put a lot of money in repairs for a mower this old, but I would replace the mag if I was pretty sure that was the problem.  

Doug, you have to use a "spark tester" or with a insulated pliers, hold the spark plug wire approx 3/8" away from ground (spark plug out !!!!) and have someone pull on the rewind.You should see a spark jump the gap. If not, the coil needs reolacement, Best of luck,,,,,bob