Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): String trimmers/adjusting the carb, mixture adjustments, adjustment screws

Hi, I have a Homelite "Bandit" SX135; 25cc 95 mdl yr. Engie family: SH2025UB24RA
    It fires right up and idles fine, but when I give it throttle, it bogs down and eventually dies.  I am figuring its a fuel problem.  I have replaced the fuel lines,spark plug, fresh oil/fuel, and still same problem.  Three carb adjustment screws: One white, one black, these two are next to each other. And the third is the thottle adjustment, I think. Any help would be a great help! Thanks!

The side by side screws are the low and high speed mixture adjustments.  The one closest to the cylinder is the low speed.  Both should be set at 1 1/2 turns out from lightly seated as a starting point.  From there, start it up and hold the throttle wide open.  Turn the high speed screw in until max RPM is reached (do this quickly), from there open the screw 1/4 turn.  Then you need to adjust the low speed (either open or closed) until it is open just enough that there is no bog from idle when you open the throttle quickly.  The third screw is the idle speed adjustment.  Hope this helps.