Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): b&s 9hp engine sat for 3 years, snapper riding mower, oil drain plug

I was recently given a snapper riding mower that was purchased in 1995. The model# is 300914bE series 14. it has a 9hp B&S engine. This mower has sat for 3 years without running and will not start. 1st, the electric ignition will not turn the engine even with a new battery. there is no sound when the key is turn to the on position.  2nd, I have tried to start it with the pull rope and I get lots of gas from the muffler.  the spark plug is also real wet with gas. I have taken the carb. off and cleaned inside as it was real gummed up. that did not help. can you give me some ideas?

Drain the probalby is contaminated with gas.  Remove the spark plug and let the engine sit, over night with the spark plug and oil drain plug removed.

As for the electric start, there is probalby a corroded or stuck safety switch.  Start at the key switch and follow each wire to the safety switches.  There should be one for neutral, some where on the cluth or shifter arm, one for the deck and one for the seat.  Clean the terminals with a wire brush and make sure the moving part of the switch moves.

Let me know what you find.

Make sure you PUT OIL IN THE ENGINE!