Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Lawn Mower Problem, internal passages, lawn mower

Hi I found my carb but how do I clean it it is disconected and put in the shed what do I do to clean it and reassemble it.

To clean it, you need to disassemble it enough so that you can access all of the internal passages (remove float bowl, mixture screws, etc.)  Then use a piece of tag wire to push through all of the passages.  Follow up with carb cleaner and make sure everything is spotless.  Reassemble, set any mixture screws to 1 1/2 turns out from lightly seated and install back on the engine.  Fill the tank with fresh fuel and start it up.  You may need to make some fine adjustments to the mixture screws, if so equipped.  A high speed mixture screw needs to be adjusted so the engine runs smoothly without surging and then open it 1/8 of turn more.  The low speed needs to be adjusted so it idles smoothly and revs up quickly from an idle.  Hope this helps.