Snowmobile Repair: 1979 Polaris Gemini tune up, caliper piston, polaris sleds
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I need the spark gap and the carb settings if possible. I also would appreiciate any other tips you could give towards a better running machine. Thanks
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Hello Jared,
Congrats on buying a vintage Polaris! I will need to know the engine identification number, which is on a tag located on the crankcase. The reason for this is, the Gemini used 2 different motors that were both the same cc's but differed in specifications. I will be more than happy to send you all of the specs on the sled. Hope to hear from you soon. Good luck! --Arcticatman
Ok, I have gotten new plugs and wires. Now it runs very well. Next I need to know what kind os brake fluid to put in this thing. Would DOT 3 be good or do I need something special?
AnswerHello Jared,
Sorry for the delay in my response, Allexperts didn't forward your question to me until now. According to Polaris, DOT 3 fluid would be the corrct fluid for your machine. As a sie note, it would be a good idea to flush out any fluid in the caliper, lines, and resivoir. Also, leaking calipers are common the the older Polaris sleds, and is caused by an O-ring on the caliper piston. Let me know if you have any other questions. Good luck with the sled! --Arcticatman