Snowmobile Repair: 1978 arctic cat panther 4000, arctic cat panther, spring tension

i have a clutch problem. the panther has a 1978 440 tnt engine. it seems to rev out (no speed). how much slack should be in the belt, when i adjust the clutch spring, it works best with no tension at all on the spring. what is the correct adjustment for the clutch(spring tension). Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Hello Dave,

    The only way to adjust the tension properly, is to try using stronger or weaker springs. My recommendation would be to find a spring much weaker than what is in there now. Also, is the engine reaching engagement RPM? You may want to hook a tach up and see how much RPM you are getting. It will need at least 3800-4000 to get it going good. You may also need a new belt. If you are using a Parts Unlimited belt, it will not last more than a day. As for tension, there are no set standards for tension for the sled. This can make a belt check difficult. If you can remove the belt with ease, then it needs replacement. Also, when you turn the drive clutch by hand, there should be a small amount of resistance from the belt. Another way to check the belt is to compare it's length and width with the specs of a new belt. I hope this helps you. Good luck with the sled! --Arcticatman