Snowmobile Repair: Snowmoblile repair, arctic cat snowmobile, mixture ratio

I have an arctic cat snowmobile with fuel injection that keeps fowling pluggs. How can i adjust the mixture ratio? Where can i get a repair manual for free? 1999 ZL 600cc arctic cat.

Hello Mark,

    Be sure to use the correct plugs, they are NGK BR9EYA. BR9ES will foul much quicker, and do not work well with FI. Another thing that will help not to foul plugs is to let the sled idle with out revving when it is cold, until it is completely warmed up. Also, be sure to use good oil, such as Amsoil, which reduces plug fouling very well. I would not recommend trying to adjust the fuel injection on the sled, it is very sensitive, and running it too lean will quickly destroy the engine. Other than that, it is ECU controlled like a vehicle, and would require service by a Cat technician. Using a bottle of STP would help get the injectors clean, also. As for a manual, on a sled that new I think you will have a hard time finding one cheaply. Ebay has a few on there now,   I hope this helps you. Let me know if you have any other questions. Good luck with the sled! --Arcticatman