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I wanted to give you a follow up even though it's no longer sled season.
I took the carbs off and had them cleaned. I reinstalled them and put new plugs in but still
couldn't get it to start. If you have any other advice I'd be interested to hear .
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My 77 eltigre was running fine, then sat for a month as there was no snow. Now it wont start.
Its full of gas, gas seems to get to the carbs, there is spark and it will fire when I put gas in the
head, but it dies instantly. Its almost like the kill switch is on
It also was warm and then got rather cold, could something be frozen in the carb?
any help appreciated
Answer -
Hello Mark,
Thank you for your patience. Sorry for the long wait in my response. It sounds like the carbs
need a good cleaning. Most probably they were nearing the point of needing a cleaning, and then
just got all gummed up from sitting a little longer. My recommendation would be to clean the
carbs thoroughly, paying special attention to the inlet needles. Next, add a bottle of fuel system
cleaner STP to the gas tank. I think you will be good to go with this. If it has a fuel filter, you may
want to replace this also. I hope this helps you. Let me know if you have any other questions.
God luck with the sled! --Arcticatman
Thanks, I'm going to try that. Seeing as they've never been touched in over 30 years thats a great
place to start.
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Hello Mark,
Hope you have good luck! Here is a parts diagram of the carb you might find useful: http://
CARBURETOR.htm . Let me know if you need any help with the sled. --Arcticatman
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Hello Mark,
I'm sorry I haven't been able to answer your question much sooner. Unfortunately, I haven't
been here to answer Allexperts questions. Here is what I would check with, first try checking the
compression to make sure it's getting at least 120 PSI on each cylinder. If the compression is OK,
I would look at the fuel pump, since other than the electrical, I would almost be sure that is the
problem. make sure it's clean inside, rebuild kits for them are cheap, and most of all, you may
want to install a new impulse line going from the engine to the pump. If all else fails, a new coil
with wires and plug caps would be your best bet. Sorry you didn't have good luck with your sled.
Let me know if you have any other questions, and I'll be glad to help! Good luck with the Cat! --
No Problem, I appreciate the help so far. This is just a sled for the kids and I to bomb around on
the property. I will try that, but when I disconnected the lines from the pump to the carb and
pulled the engine over, gas did come out. I don't have any reference as to how much should
come out though.
Is there a chance it could be the coil even though there is spark, or could the spark be weak and
not happening once under compression?
No rush,
AnswerHello Mark,
The fuel pumps on the sleds are very low pressure, so seeing gas come out means it's working. I would suspect the coil as a possibility. I have had coils that put out a blue spark, but while they are running, the spark is terrible. This can sometimes be traced back to the internal coils, though. I believe would have both the internals and externals for less than $50 combined. Let me know if you have any other questions, and I will be glad to help. Good luck with the sled! --Arcticatman