Snowmobile Repair: 1995 artic cat wild cat, cat dealer, charging system

The problem I have is in the charging system.  The machine seams to always run out of battery befor getting back home, my question is, how many volts the system should charge when running. I have alot of testers but no data to work with & sofar no one seems to be able to answer any of my questions. any help would be very well appreciated!!  the battery is good.               Thank You : John  

Hello John,

  What is happening, is the charging system is most probably not delivering any current to the battery. The voltage should read anywhere from 12.5 volts to 14.4. volts. If you were to take it to a Cat dealer, they could run the scanner on it and pin point the problem to a degree. Unfortunately, that tends to cost more than it should. Something to look for would be disconnected plugs and wires. Hope this helps. Let me know if you have any other questions. Good luck with the sled! --Arcticatman