Snowmobile Repair: 2003 artic cat 600zlefiss spring suspension, slide spring, drive axle
QuestionDo you know how to replace the slide spring? Or do you know
where I can look it up at. Also called an overload spring. There
is an idler wheel - how do I get this off to get to the spring?
AnswerHello Walt,
To remove the spring for replacement, you will need to start with raising the rear of the sled, so that the track does not contact the ground. Next, there is bolt on the outside of the tunnel, on either side of the sled. Remove the bolts. There will be at least 2 more bolts on either side of the tunnel. Once all of these are removed, the sled will be able to be lifter higher, and the track will remain on the ground. The sled will still be connected to the track by the drive axle. Now that there will be clearance to work, you can pull the idler wheel straight off, and get to the spring. Here is a diagram: . The spring will come off with a bit of work as it will need to be pushed on to relieve tension.I hope I have helped you. Let me know if you have any other questions. Good luck with the sled! --Arcticatman