Snowmobile Repair: 2000 600 ZL Using too Much Oil?, cylinder walls, oil light
QuestionMy 600 Zl is using way to much oil. Last time out I went through 12 Gallons of Gas and I went through the whole jug of oil, the low oil Light came on. It's smokin pretty good, and missing sometimes when riding until I give it more throttle. I checked the marks on the pump and they both line up perfectly at Idle and full throttle. Could it be a bad pump or something keeping the port open all the time? Can I change it myself, or should it be brought in. What could be the problem?
AnswerHello Kyle,
That's not too good. Too much oil can actually score the cylinder walls. I am guessing you are referring to 1 gallon of oil per 12 gallons of gas. Considering the sleds age, and the sensitivity of the pumps, I would recommend taking it into the dealers for a check. It would be a problem within the pump for sure. Sorry for the misfortune, especially on such a new sled. I would suspect it will cost a very small amount in materials, to repair the machine. Hope this helps. Let me know if you have any other questions. Good luck with the sled! --Arcticatman